Horesta on Raffle
Horesta on Raffle
Horesta on Raffle

Horesta on Raffle

Maximising Website Capability using Raffle AI
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HORESTA is a trade association and employers organization for the restaurant, hotel, and tourism industry in Denmark. It organizes just under 2000 companies from the industry.

With Raffle's integration, HORESTA made their website easier to navigate and search.

They’re also able to seamlessly provide answers to their customers' inquiries while gaining valuable insight into their customers' needs by tracking how they use their website.

This has allowed HORESTA to focus on providing the most critical content to their customers and ultimately serve them better.

Horesta on Raffle
Horesta on Raffle

Horesta on Raffle

Maximising Website Capability using Raffle AI

HORESTA is a trade association and employers organization for the restaurant, hotel, and tourism industry in Denmark. It organizes just under 2000 companies from the industry.

With Raffle's integration, HORESTA made their website easier to navigate and search.

They’re also able to seamlessly provide answers to their customers' inquiries while gaining valuable insight into their customers' needs by tracking how they use their website.

This has allowed HORESTA to focus on providing the most critical content to their customers and ultimately serve them better.

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