Raffle Search Insights

Actionable customer insights via Raffle Dashboard’s panoptic view of search behavior.
Raffle Insights

The Raffle's Web Application

Raffle’s web appallows customers/employees to access useful features and tools such as Insights, Integrations, and API. It appears as a user-friendly dashboard, and it is where users can see the Raffle magic at work: knowledge gaps to be addressed with instant answers, trending topics based on people’s search terms on the website of interest, and more.
Technically speaking, you would incorporate the Raffle web application by adding a loading script to your website as a UI. This loading script fetches our application code from the Gateway and bootstraps the application in a restricted browsing context. When activated, the Raffle web application interfaces with the application Gateway to answer end-user questions; it also logs user interactions to provide insights and improve Raffle’s AI model.
Understand Raffle Search Insights

Learn about our features

Behavior Analytics

Raffle Insights offers behavior analytics to help you understand your customers and employees better. Our analytics provide an all-time summary of session traffic, an overview of routed support flow, and information on when and why customer support is contacted. This data can help you make data-driven decisions and can also show the savings facilitated by Raffle.
Benjamin D., Digital Manager
"Insights show visitor needs/expectations.
We can easily configure Search tools for self-service."
Benjamin D.,
Digital Manager at Krifa

Resolution Rates

Raffle Insights tracks how well and how fast customer issues are being resolved. We look at how many problems were solved and how long it took to solve them. You can see if customers are getting help quickly and if there are any issues with the process. This can help you improve customer service and to fix problems.

Content Gaps

Sometimes, people search for things that you don't have information on just yet. Our Content Gap tool uses an algorithm to identify and cluster topics, allowing you to identify knowledge gaps and create short-form banner solutions to better serve your customers and employees in real time.

Trending Questions

Our Trending questions tool lets you see what's trending in any time frame you choose. It even allows you to drill down to specific search queries. Plus, if you come across any answers that are incorrect, you can let Raffle know so it can fix them next time it trains the model.

Popular Pages

With our Popular Pages feature, you can easily keep track of which pages are getting the most visits from your users. This helps you identify valuable content and prioritize important areas to enhance user engagement and optimize their experience.

Support Channels

With our Support Channels feature, you can effortlessly track the number of customers being routed to your customer service, team while also gaining insights into their preferred communication channels. Learn more about this feature and its benefits here:
Understand the feature

Discover our products


Provide accurate and consistent answers to your customers' and employees' questions.  Improve customer satisfaction and streamline your operations with zero maintenance required.


Safe generative models fine-tuned for you. Provide accurate human-like conversations powered by your content. Engage customers in a way that traditional robotic chatbots simply can't match.

End-user privacy is fundamental

Ensuring the confidentiality and security of your personal information is a top priority for us.

Discover how to utilize the Insights you gain from Raffle

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