Your citizens don’t want to spend much time trudging through pages of information about your governmental services to learn about an important new policy or the steps to take for filing income tax properly. Your citizens want accurate answers or search results that address their search intent: swiftly, smoothly, and securely.
As a self-service automation platform, Raffle makes it easy for your citizens to find useful, important information on their own. This streamlined digital experience is possible due to Raffle’s search optimization engine; even if you use just one Raffle widget (i.e. plug-in), Raffle AI will scrape data from multiple governmental data sources of your choice to funnel relevant knowledge to your citizens. These search results will even come in the form of cordial, human-like answers if your plan includes Raffle Chat.
Unlike traditional search engines, which index content and fetch search results based on keywords, Raffle Search “reads” the indexed content like an intelligent human. In other words, the Raffle AI grasps the context and intention of search queries (regardless of linguistic imperfections and variations) to guide your citizens to the proper facts.
Want to learn more? Here are
more details about Raffle’s search optimization capability.