Fastest way to self-served users

Build reliable, safe and customized AI Search and Chat Assistants, without having to wait for your developers to have time.
Increase self-service and conversion tomorrow.
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Trusted by +2M users on
Government, Utility and University websites

"With raffle we now have a great search that answers 89% of customer inquiries instantly."
Hanne Thorsgaard
Digital Marketing Manager @ E.on

Your Platform to build AI search, gain insights and much more

Increase conversion, self-service and user experience

A Semantic Search that understands the meaning

Provide accurate and consistent answers to your customers and users. Improve conversion, user experience and self-service, monitored by Raffle Insights. Streamline your operations with our no-code AI framework and zero maintenance.

Build AI Chat Assistants that are 100% reliable and fine tuned with your custom models

Safe generative models fine-tuned for you. Offers accurate human-like conversations powered by your content. Engage customers in a way that traditional robotic chatbots simply can't match.

Raffle Insights

Our analytics is built on AI cluster technology that gives great overviews and actionable insights. Traffic, CTR, Content Gaps, Trends, Support flows and much, much more.
Raffle Insights Dashboard


Unmatched accuracy out of the box, at least 3 times better than your search and chat today.


Be in charge of how Raffle works, choose how we appear, and what sources we use.


Feel secure with Raffle AI. We comply with SOC2, GDPR, WASP2, and HIPAA regulations.


What drives customers to your website, their main needs, and what doesn't work.
graph of sustainability key points

Sustainability at Raffle

Raffle constantly explores new technologies and strategies to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint while maintaining very high performance and accuracy.
We train and fine-tune AI models for the exact purpose of Raffle, not waisting energy on abilities that are out of scope. Our AI Framework allows for us to easily integrate new models that appears and thereby enhance training efficiency as development reach new heights.

Search used to be difficult, but we've made it easy

End-user privacy is fundamental

Ensuring the confidentiality and security of your personal information is a top priority for us.


Compliant to the System and Organization Controls type 2

Data Processing

Agreement for the privacy of sensitive data from companies


Compliant to the EU regulation on information privacy


Compliant to the HIPAA federal low to operate in USA

AI Search and Chat Assistants that increase self-service and conversion because it understands

Don't miss any update!
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